Abbot’s Circle

Is a first-of-its-kind virtual monastery—an evolving, curated library that offers an inside look at the artistic, cultural, intellectual, and spiritual work that the Norbertines of St. Michael’s Abbey carry out each day for the praise and honor of Jesus Christ.

about us

Immersed in the 900-year tradition of our order

The Norbertine Fathers live a common life of liturgical prayer and care for souls. Our abbey in Orange County consists of over fifty priests and nearly forty seminarians studying for the priesthood.

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The abbey's mission

Our Mission

Consecrating our days to the Lord

Our life at St. Michael’s Abbey is organized according to prayer of the Church: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours. “Seven times a day I praise You,” says the Psalmist, and by chanting together the prayers of the Divine Office, Norbertine canons “continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God.”

Service, formed by our religious life

For more than fifty years, the Norbertine Fathers have served the Christian faithful in Southern California—“lifting high the Holy Eucharist over the miseries and errors of this world” (Saint Pope John Paul II).  Our community’s apostolic ministries are many and various—from teaching in schools and at retreats to serving as chaplains—but they all find their source in our common life of prayer and fraternal charity.

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Community Members

Some of our confreres write books and articles, while others have ministries through internet and radio. We celebrate the sacraments and teach religious education in prisons, youth facilities, hospitals, and nursing homes. Our abbey is the site of numerous retreats and Bible studies, as well as a popular summer camp run by our seminarians.

In short, we are an abbey of Catholic priests, united in love to praise God and serve His faithful people. Come and pray with us sometime. Peace be with you, and may God bless you always.

Some of our confreres write books and articles, while others have ministries through internet and radio. We celebrate the sacraments throughout Orange, Los Angeles, and San Diego counties. We teach religious education in schools, and serve God's faithful through retreats, Bible studies, and a popular summer camp run by our seminarians.

In short, we are an abbey of Catholic priests, united in love to praise God and serve His people. Come and pray with us.

Peace be with you, and may God bless you always.


The invitation that our Lord extended to His first disciples, we extend to you. For young men who are considering a religious vocation, and who are interested in learning more about our Norbertine community, the best first step is to make a come-and-see visit to the abbey.