“Before all else, dear brothers, love God and then your neighbor, because these are the chief commandments given to us”

Rule of St. Augustine

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Welcome to the information page for St. Michael’s Abbey Lay Order.

Through the button below, you will find various documents to assist you including general information on the Lay Order, our current meeting schedule, a note on what the personal rule is, the official statues, the life of Saint Norbert and the Norbertine saints, and more.

If you have further questions about the Lay Order, or are interested in becoming a member, please email LayOrder@StMichaelsAbbey.com . Please include your name, phone number, and any questions you may have.

May God bless you.

Br Mark Charlesworth, O.Praem.
Director - Lay Order

Abbot’s Circle

Is a first-of-its-kind virtual monastery—an evolving, curated library that offers an inside look at the artistic, cultural, intellectual, and spiritual work that the Norbertines of St. Michael’s Abbey carry out each day for the praise and honor of Jesus Christ.
