Our ministries

Going forth to be priests to God’s people.

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Archangel Institute
Archangel Institute

In September 2020, St. Michael’s Abbey launched the Archangel Institute, a faith-formation program for young men ages 14-18, continuing the Norbertine Order’s long legacy of involvement in Catholic education, youth formation, and service. Building on the mission of St. Michael’s Abbey Prep School, which provided for the formation of young men for over 50 years, the Institute offers weekly high school-level religion courses, spiritual outreach to parents, and quarterly father-and-son days of recollection. Held on Monday evenings from September to May, this program provides a curriculum that can supplement or substitute other religion courses and may fulfill certain recognized religion requirements.

For Prep School Transcripts, please contact


Summer Camp
Summer Camp

St. Michael’s Summer Camp exists to bring young souls closer to Jesus Christ. Our primary goal is to promote in our campers an increase in the virtues of faith, hope, and charity. The camp experience also seeks to strengthen their respect for parental and civil authority, as well as provide a Christian setting in which the boys can have fun participating in activities and associating with others of their age group.

Mass Request
Mass Request

The Mass is the highest form of Christian charity. It re-presents the perfect sacrifice of Calvary, and so it is the priest’s essential duty and his greatest honor to offer Holy Mass. In all ages, the Christian faithful have traditionally offered alms for the celebration of the Mass, for the support of the priest and the maintenance of the church where the sacred rites are celebrated.


Throughout the year, St. Michael’s offers day retreats with conferences given by our Norbertine priests, Mass, confession, and silent prayer time. And He said to them, ‘Come away to some lonely place all by yourselves and rest for a while’. Mark 6:31

Prayer Request
Prayer Request

One essential element of our religious vocation is to pray for the needs and intentions of others. We would be honored to pray for you and your loved ones. Please share with us your intentions and be assured that we will carry them with us in prayer.

Lay Order
Lay Order

For more than thirty years, men and women striving for this communion have come to St. Michael’s Abbey to follow a spiritual path that leads to love of God and neighbor. Some have sought a closer union with the Canons Regular of Premontré in what is known as the Lay Order. Through spiritual direction, personal prayer, holy reading, and reception of the sacraments, members of the Lay Order strive to live out their baptismal commitment.

Abbot’s Circle

Is a first-of-its-kind virtual monastery—an evolving, curated library that offers an inside look at the artistic, cultural, intellectual, and spiritual work that the Norbertines of St. Michael’s Abbey carry out each day for the praise and honor of Jesus Christ.
